MEESTER HEIMDALL – Boek 3 van de Meesters van Midgard serie!
Kantoorrelaties zijn misschien taboe, maar als je baas zo opwindend is als de mijne, wie kan hem dan weerstaan?
Ik heb altijd volgens mijn eigen regels geleefd, maar iets in zijn donkere aura maakt dat ik aan zijn voeten wil knielen.
Onze aantrekkingskracht bracht ons samen. Het enige probleem is dat hij alles wat ik doe wil monitoren en ik hou van mijn vrijheid.
Tenminste, dat was zo totdat mijn goede bedoelingen me in gevaar brachten en onze grootste nachtmerrie uitkwam.
Als gegijzelde weet ik alleen dat, als hij me op tijd vindt, ik blij zal zijn om met zijn blik altijd op mij gericht te leven.
Verkrijgbaar in paperback op Amazon en B&N
C2C Publishing started off as a podcast between two author friends, Ann Jensen and Rogue London where they discussed all things romance.
Like many like minded people, it didn’t take the two long to take their professional relationship to the next level and have a successful book series together, Masters of Midgard.
M.O.M has now expanded into the Netherlands with the help of Deborah Apodaca, owner of Rottie Books LLC and PA to Ms. London, as well as colleague, Karen Nappa who is responsible for the translation of the series into Dutch and soon to be German versions.
Ann, nicknamed Big Brain by Rogue, is a snarky Jersey Woman who dreamed of one day becoming an author. She writes romance with bigger than life characters who have to dodge every obstacle she gleefully throws in their paths.
Somehow her characters also find time for steamy fun on their way to their HEAs.
Rogue, whom Ann refers to as providing whimsy to their work,is a Canadian author who writes sassy, steamy, suspenseful romances featuring alpha men with a soft spot for the women they inevitably fall for.
Rogue’s imagination is limitless for exploring the power exchange dynamic in her stories. Her heroines are often sassy, strong women and submissive for the right Dom, Daddy, or Master and include a Happily Ever After.
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